
21 thoughts on “Students

  1. It is fantastic to see young people excited and engrossed with something that combines both learning and broadening their horizons. The atmosphere at the jam sessions is charged with the energy that the participants bring and their enthusiasm and pleasure derived from both sharing their talents and having the opportunity to display the fruits of their practice time. While the experience of enjoying the music is wonderful, it is even more meaningful and rewarding to witness their sense of accomplishment. Everyone has different things to offer as individuals, and when those things are brought together in one setting the end product is greater than the sum of the individual parts. It is a great place for all the participants to explore and express themselves musically, and to be exposed to different styles of music to challenge their growing skills. The jam sessions serve as an outlet for the musicians to share with each other and the listeners part of themselves which benefits them in regards to developing their talents and personalities. Learning to play an instrument has a lasting value that will endure and gives young people something positive and rewarding to channel their energy into. And, the coffee is really, really good.

  2. Hey dragon so hows the jams going? I was wondering when you would play at the coffie shop in Graham, i had fun there. Darious needs to play more, he hasn’t been up there in forever. P.S play some country a lot of people would like that. Oh and watch Duck Dynasty and get more into the world. HAHA

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